2018 Central Coast Country Music Festival
2018 Central Coast Country Music Festival

The 2018 Central Coast Country Music Festival was held on Sunday 12 August 2018 and featured some great artists, including Gretta Ziller, Andrew Swift The Adam Eckersley Band, Brad Cox, Pete Denahy and Homegrown.

As usual, TodaysCountry94one was represented at the event by a team of its presenters and volunteers. It was a great pleasure to meet with many station listeners and to sign up a few more members.

The photo at the left features some of the artists and station personnel.

Cowboy Hat Guitar and Rope

Volunteers Needed !

Todayscountry94one is urgently looking for volunteers with grant writing experience to assist in applying for grants which help to keep the station operational. We are also looking for volunteers with a love of country music to help with the office administration.
If you are interested, or want more information, please contact us by email at admin@todayscountry94one.com or you can leave a message on 4323 2441.
You’ll be joining a dedicated and friendly team of volunteers.
