Donation Form

ACNC Registered Charity Logo

We will gratefully accept any coins you can spare to keep our beloved country music radio station on air.

We are now registered charity with the ATO, so your donations and contributions are tax-deductible too!

Bank account details for donations:

Account Name: Friends of tc941 Public Fund
BSB: 032-523
Account Number: 469912

Please include your name in the reference field so that we can send the correct receipt.

Fill out the form below to let us know that you’ve generously made a donation, and we’ll ensure that we send you a tax receipt once your gift has been processed.

If you selected Other please enter the amount below:

Thank you, your donation is helping todayscountry94one, your Country Music Station! We’re here for you & the community, dynamically supporting Local, National and International artists

Ron Trundle
Coast Community Broadcasters Inc

Coast Community Broadcasters Inc. ABN: 38 034 487 257

Cowboy Hat Guitar and Rope

Volunteers Needed !

Todayscountry94one is urgently looking for volunteers with grant writing experience to assist in applying for grants which help to keep the station operational. We are also looking for volunteers with a love of country music to help with the office administration.
If you are interested, or want more information, please contact us by email at or you can leave a message on 4323 2441.
You’ll be joining a dedicated and friendly team of volunteers.
