Todays Country 94One finds a new home
Todayscountry94one’s Relocation to 12 / 31 Dwyer Street, North Gosford from the Central Coast Leagues Club (after 10 years), would not have been successful without the In-Kind Contribution of time, effort and enthusiasm of our Board Members, Presenters, Volunteers, and local Trades people, in providing their time free-of-charge, and local Businesses for big Trade discounts.
Without their support our Relocation Project would not have been affordable or possible
Coast Community Broadcasters Inc sincerely acknowledges the work of the Community Broadcasting Foundation by providing Grants, which makes projects like ours affordable, and has provided security for todayscountry94one into the future.
The Board of Todays Country 94One would like to express our appreciation of the advice, support, and friendly encouragement of CBF’s Liz Landray.
For a full list of all those that made the relocation possible and kept your favorite All Country Community Radio Station on air, click the button below.