Entries for TodaysCountry94one’s 2019 Brand New Star Contest are now open.

Brand New Star is the Central Coast’s premier event for new and emerging country music artists and duos.

Preliminary heats will be held on Saturday 6 July at The Greens and Saturday 13 July at Club Wyong with the final to be held on Saturday 20 July at Central Coast Leagues Club.

Prizes include $3,000 from Central Coast Leagues Club, recording time with Hillbilly Hut studios and career mentoring from Market The Music.

If you, or someone you know, would like to take their country music career to the next level, send an email to admin@todayscountry94one.com for an entry form and information package.

Entry is free but entrants must be 16 years of age or over. Entries close on Friday 21 June.

Cowboy Hat Guitar and Rope

Volunteers Needed !

Todayscountry94one is urgently looking for volunteers with grant writing experience to assist in applying for grants which help to keep the station operational. We are also looking for volunteers with a love of country music to help with the office administration.
If you are interested, or want more information, please contact us by email at admin@todayscountry94one.com or you can leave a message on 4323 2441.
You’ll be joining a dedicated and friendly team of volunteers.
